Small Business Spotlight | By Lindsay Clay Co.
Tell us about you and your company.
For 15 years I helped business owners tell their story through branding and social media. I served as COO of a branding agency servicing 3500 clients in 65 different countries while I was also Founder and CEO of a website/social media company that worked with clients from small business owners to Inc 5000 companies. In 2020, yes in the midst of a global pandemic, I decided I needed “more.”
Not so much more on my plate... in fact, I needed less on my plate.! But I needed to be more fulfilled, find more outlets to be creative and create more joy, for myself and others.
Many, MANY, moons ago when I was little I’d spend every second I could creating tiny figurines made of clay. My mother still showcases them around her house to this day 😊
Fast forward a “few” years, and my love for statement earrings but need for a lightweight option brought me to polymer clay earrings.
My love for design and long lasting love for clay finally all made sense and I started designing and creating earrings for my first collection.
Collection sounds so official, doesn’t it? I’ve always wanted to have a “collection” ... Ok, so we’ll call it what it was, my first set of earrings I threw out there to see if others loved them as much as I did.
They did, and here we are.

What inspired you to start your company?
My father is an Entrepreneur so that’s all I’ve ever really known. I remember being in college and my Mother having to talking me into staying every 6 months because I was ready to leave and start my own company. Of course I had no idea what I wanted to do, but I was ready.
As a little girl my father would always tell me “find what you love to do, and then figure out how to make money doing it.” So when I fell in love with clay (again) in 2020 creating a new business out of my love wasn’t far behind.

What was the biggest challenge you faced as a small business owner?
It’s ALL on you. All of it. All the things. I think people look from the outside and wistfully see the “no boss” aspect of being a small business owner. But what they don’t realize is that YOU are your own worst boss, I promise.
What do you love about being a small business owner?
Freedom to do what I love and knowing that someone loved MY creation used their own hard earned money to buy it. That’s special; and it never gets lost on me.

What is your definition of self care?
Anything that you do to treat yourself. Self care doesn’t have to be a big, grand gesture and if you’re looking for those you’ll probably be waiting a while. In my experience, life doesn’t always allow for those grand gestures regularly. If you learn to look for the little things that bring you joy, that allow you to pause and reset for a moment, you’ll find you have more time for self care than you thought.
What do you do for self care?
Of course I love a good massage! But for me, my absolute favorite is to wake up early, when the house is quiet and to just sit with a hot cup of coffee in silence, when it’s the holidays and that can be under the glow of the Christmas tree and by the fireplace it’s even better.
How can people get to know more about what you’re doing and where can they find you?
Check me out on my website at or on Instagram @ByLindsayClayCo
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